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Can't be Recovered - No Any Charge

ACElab Certified,30YRS Experience,

Any RAID, NAS - FREE Evaluation

Data Transfer price range $100-150

Any Data Recovery Starts from $250

Full Service Price List Press HERE

Canada Calgary Data Recovery Lab

Quick Computer Emergency Help

Questions? - Free phone consultation

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of your device to our cellphone to get

more accurate quote for your case.

We Calgary Local Apple Experts with:
Data Recovery, Transfer, Migration and Repair.
   We experienced Canada mac apple experts with computer repair and data recovery process. If other apple experts not able to help you recover data or repair your computer we ready to help! And We can restore data from almost any Apple iMac,iPhone, iPad, Apple system network storages, Business Servers, Computer, Mac Books, iOS devices, Apple Computers mixed RAIDs, Fusion, SSD and many others.
   Data Recovery Experts provide many different solution and services with new and old Apple products line:

1. We can recover data from damaged hard drives,
2. Replacement broken HDD to new SSD.
3. Upgrade Mac Hard drive to faster SSD media storage
4. Apple computer repair service, Upgrade.
5. Transfer and Migration your data from even broken old Apple IOS, MAC Computer to new device.
6. Complicated data recovery from crashed, corrupted, damaged Apple, RAID, Fusion, Laptop, Server, Ipad, Iphone devices.

   Apple computers are increasingly popular but like any computer hardware are prone to failure. Our laboratory offers services for professional repair of Apple laptops and data recovery from them.
   Apple computers, such as MacBook Pro, MacBook Air, etc. use innovations that are revolutionary for computers. Mac OS X includes Time Machine, an efficient data backup software. Many of Apple’s new designs use flash-based SSD drives for fast file access. MAC products are reliable and powerful computers, but they also do not provide absolute protection against sudden hard drive failures and other problems that lead to data loss.
   Apple products are increasingly popular but like any computer hardware are prone to failure. Our laboratory offers services for professional repair of Apple laptops, Data migration, data transfer and data recovery from them.

   We can work with any Apple hard drive and SSD media storages iclude all RAID configurations.

   Our equipment support Apple file systems:
APFS,HFS+,HFS, ExFAT, FAT, FAT32, FAT64, Apple Core Storage, Apple File Vault, Apple Fusion Hybrid, Apple SSD Fusion, Apple RAIDs

Our Tools support Apple containers:

Apple RAID Hardware and Software pools,
Faile Vault,
Core Storage,
Mixed and regular Fusion Drive (SSD + HDD),

We are work with regular and encrypted volume container.
Possible restore data from:
partly erased or wiped
reformatted volumes

We use developers Apple software and some other tools for such cases.

(Partners can get access to our full software library on FTP acoount)

   Recently, serious errors have been detected during updating the Apple operating system from the old Sierra, High Sierra, Big Sur operating system to Monterey. And the internal data storage is falling apart, stop recognized and ceases to work. Also, the computer begin to restart constantly and freezes.
   Apple support doesn't want to admit this problem with the new update. However it can be fixed always by running the system file repair procedure with a comparison with the original image from Apple in the terminal.
   After end of procedure of comparing and replacing invalid or corrupted system files, your computer will work as before again.
   Possible run checking hardware and system files first.
   There another option - possible force back updates and use your mac again like before updates or crash.
   If your internal Apple RAID tier fusion pools has stopped loading, you can fix it by performing the procedure for restoring RAID matching tables in the disk utility.

   We perform any type of work and computer file system restoration and can bring your Apple mac computer back to life.

We provide free recycling for damaged and non supported apple products.
Group recycling, upgrade and installation service.

What to do if your MacBook stops working.
Correct actions in this situation will help prevent serious damage to the storage medium and significantly increase the chances of successful data recovery.
Typical symptoms of failure:
• Mac Disk Utility Error Messages
• Clicking and other unusual sounds
• Extremely slow computer operation
• Lost and inaccessible files
• Mac OS X does not boot from the hard drive
When such symptoms appear, it is not recommended to try to copy and restore files. Such actions can lead to overwriting the files you need, and even to physical damage to the storage medium, resulting in permanent data loss. In any case, you should not open the Apple laptop. Immediately after the occurrence of a malfunction turn off the computer and contact specialists who have relevant work experience.
Why choose us for data recovery
Data Recovery Expert is a local, yearly renovated, laboratory in Calgary, Alberta. You are served by experienced  and certified technicians who know and love their job. All parts are included in price (data recovery process only). We work without prepayments. Should you have any questons, call us 403.889.7071

Diagnosis process:
Diagnostics is absolutely free.
Our specialists will indicate the damage, cost and timing of data recovery.
If you do not have a chance to come to us, order free shipping/pickup.


1. Basic Apple hard drive replacement Price: $80+ GST

2. iMAC hard drive replace to Solid State Drive Price: $150+ GST

3. SSD in Mac Book soldered NAND replace to higher capacity Price: $350+ GST

4. Data transfer from internal soldered SSD with T1, T2 chip Price: $450+ GST

5. Data transfer Services to new media device If your computer works good without any issues.  Price: $100+ GST

5. Data transfer Services to new media device If your computer works good without any issues.  Price: $100+ GST

2. Logical data recovery. Formatted partition, Erased data (this is not forensic case),small bad blocks on hard drive, other small problems.
Price:  $450 + GST 

3. Physical issue data recovery. Hard drive or SSD drive not recognized or have clicking noice, Unreadable places, other hardware problems with Apple media.
Price: from  $800 + GST 

4. Apple RAIDs variants and some other complicated logical storage container mix.
Include Like Fusion Drive or JBOD
Price: from  $1200 + GST

   You can see other more detailed prices in the category of drives related to your device: For example if your Apple MAC computer have hard drive then check hard drive prices. If you Apple have SSD check SSD data recovery prices.
For more accurate price list

Call us for free consultation.

No data no charge and free evaluation policy.

Data recovery Speed:

1. Turnaround time 10-15 business days - regular price
2. Turnaround time 4-8 business days - + 50% to regular price
3. Turnaround time 24 hours-2 business days - +100 %regular price

   The time to complete the work can be 2-3 times faster if we can make it easier during the process of reading data, or it may take longer if we will need to order spare parts or develop a special recovery technology specifically for your device, and this especially applies to cases of repeated data recovery, second opinion cases, or data recovery after other companies were unable to restore your data.
(second attempt cases)


Customer Service Support Cellphone:

+1(403) 889-7071
You may also send us more information:
Text SMS, iMessage, Voice Message,
Voice recorder, Video file, Pictures.
To contact Customer Service Support
please use the contact form HERE
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